Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Everybody was kung fu fighting

Well, at least Susannah was, in her sleep.

She's still keeping up her habit of sleeping with her hands held up in the air, fingers outstretched. Very cute, but very strange. That's our girl!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

no pictures, please

no pictures, please
Originally uploaded by nerd.grrl

Originally uploaded by nerd.grrl
Susannah's first smile, prompted by her animal mobile. She sure loves those wacky animals. Click on the photo to see the rest on flickr. There are some serious future-blackmail photos there :)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Eric's all wet

Eric took the plunge, The Perilous Plunge, on Saturday, jumping into the freezing bay to raise money for the Discovery Museum. The Point team won for best costumes as the Fab Four in their Yellow Submarine garb, complete with two Blue Meanies. Eric's Ringo, complete with trumpet. Trumpet? Evidently there was a flute, too, but I'm not sure which Beatle carried it. I'm going to have to watch that movie, because I have no idea what a Blue Meanie is, either.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sacked Out

Originally uploaded by nerd.grrl

Introducing Susannah Violet Oldford, here at 10 days old. Some would say that if she's sleeping, I should be sleeping. Some are right...

She's letting us get about 3-4 hours of sleep per night at one stretch, plus a few bonus hours in one-hour increments. When so many people welcomed my pregnancy news with "hoo boy, get all the sleep you can now, because you won't sleep once the baby comes!", I thought they were just doom-and-glooming the joy of parenting. Turns out they were right, but we don't mind so much. There are much worse reasons to be up at 2 AM than feeding and playing with a tiny person that has your eyes and your husband's ears and her great-grandma's nose. Even belching and spitting up, our Susannah's a charmer. And man, can she belch! Like a sailor, this one.

Susannah on film

You asked for it, and here it is... Susannah Violet's film debut. How can drooling and gazing unfocusedly at nothing be so cute?